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17 Jan

This is just plain weird.


The rewards of doing the next right thing. Right here.

School’s Out Forever

8 Jan

Nailed it.


Diploma comes in May!


19 Dec

Well would you look at that.


Not a single tear shed. Three finals down, zero to go. Assuming I passed all my finals, I’m officially a college graduate. Whoa. WHOA. In celebration, I made myself a sandwich and parked myself on the couch to watch a whole episode of a TV show. Whoa again.

I SCENTS the end is near

18 Dec

One more day.


Three finals tomorrow from 8am to 9:30pm and then it’s overrrr. My breathing has been shallow and labored, my anxiety level is high, I’m completely sleep deprived and there is a visible twitch on my face but I got my scentsy stuff today so at least my place has smelled nice all afternoon!

Sunny Yet Chilly

12 Dec

The weather was well suited for my day.


Final day of real classes, now the stress of finals begins. Hooray?

Word to the Wise

28 Nov

If you’ve got classes all day, a 3 hour break, and then a night class…


…do not, I repeat: DO NOT put on your cozy sweats and slippers, plop down on the couch and start watching tv. You will most definitely NOT want to go to class. Even though you really have to.

Things could be worse

21 Nov

Trying to channel my silver lining hero, Kim, today.


Yes, I’m exhausted both mentally and physically. Yes, I’m pretty sure my brain is at capacity which is causing a fair amount of “Finals Week Anxiety”. Yes, my bank account is not my favorite thing to investigate due to the 3 or 4 massive expenses that have randomly arisen this month. Yes, I’m realizing I should have dressed as a Chia Pet for Halloween considering I now seem to have the ability to sprout many gray hairs on my head overnight these days. But I live in and learn in and work in one of the most gorgeous places in the world. So yeah, things could be worse.

It’s my blog.

19 Nov

I’ll do whatever I please.


Instead of posting a photo of an interesting morning at work, or of the classes I nearly fell asleep in, OR my first bus ride in a real long time, I’m posting a photo from a couple nights ago when one of my very best friends got ENGAGED!!! Happiest day ever. I love you, DAHLING!

Miracles Do Happen.

12 Nov

And proof couldn’t have come at a better time.

After a little dry spell on poshmark I literally sold 3 items today that completely covered the amount I spent on skincare products yesterday. What are the odds? I also proved that I’m capable of writing (like, completing!) a six page research paper. I mean, how well it will be graded is up for debate but whatever. And also I think Mike is slowly coming out of his rhinopharyngitis coma (read: the common cold). Glory, glory!

Candy graveyard

11 Nov

I love you, watermelons.


Shortly after this photo was taken there was nothing left but a bag of sour sugary remnants. Scratch that. Those are gone now too.