Archive | 10:55 pm

Wednesday’s are the worst.

5 Sep

I know for some of you it’s the halfway benchmark…

I, on the other hand, don’t have a weekend. Or a weekday weekend. Or a split day “weekend”. Or a day off. So, Wednesday isn’t a benchmark to anything. And it’s also the day where I go to school from 9:30am to 9:30pm. And on days like today, occasionally work in between classes. And with a day that packed, a girl’s gotta get up at 6:30am to get anything else done. So that’s what I do. Do work, son. Do work. December 20 (aka, the golden day. The first day I’ll really have off.) can’t come soon enough. 143, December 20. See you ASAP. xo.

I should clarify: I’m not 100% full of complaints. I’m super grateful to be in a position to go to school full time (in a beautiful location, no less – where this photo was taken during my 30 minute lunch break) and also to have a job that’s flexible, fast-paced, social and that I have fun at AND I’m incredibly grateful to have the best man ever, some super amazing friends and my loving family, so my life is rich, even if I’m totally broke in the sleep department. And on that note, goodnight!