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Saturday Sleep In

6 Apr

Just kidding, I was up at 6am.


We headed down to Ripon for playoffs today and while they didn’t make it to finals, My man scored a pretty awesome goal and I’m super proud of how well they did this season.

Watch out, Venus!

2 Apr

And also (insert name of male tennis player here)!!


Our game is improving, folks. Next stop: Wimbledon.


11 Feb


I know it’s not really cheating when I’m the one that makes the rules (or perhaps that’s just what I tell myself when I’m dieting) but this photo from the other day was just too precious to pass up. Also, I just started a new job yesterday and felt like it might be too soon to expose myself as a camera addict. So….

Hockey and Hot Cocoa

9 Feb

East Bay Jawz




We came, we saw, Mike played hockey and I ate my weight in fried foods and sweet treats. Apparently unexpectedly cold weather makes me ravenous.

Kiss Cam and Dim Sum

13 Jan

You see what I did there?


Those Bulls. There may not have been a packed house, but the fans that showed up were enthusiastic. We didn’t win any of the games but we had fun AND we were on the kiss cam! Yeah buddy!


1 Dec

Here we go.


I’m a major supporter but tonight Mike’s inch long chin gash proved why I’m begging for a face mask from February until the wedding.

Heart Attack

14 Nov

The good kind.


Finally felt well enough to work out the ol’ heart today. It thanked me.

Sugar high

25 Sep

For real though.


Well, I had one from the caramel corn when I started this post two hours ago. However, post-Giants game with Allison & Sarah, I’m experiencing a major sugar crash and will be entering a sugar induced coma shortly.

Oh, Oakland.

30 Jul

You and your roller hockey ways.


I’ve been awake for 21 hours. I got nothin else to write except Zzzzz….

Oh Whoops.

21 Jul

Technically I was not allowed to take this photo (of a photo).


But, I ask you this, what girl could resist having a photo of their boyfriend being caught on film directly after taking a puck to the ankle at his hockey tournament? Tell me! Sorry, love, but that face is classic (& rare).